Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Catch & release?

News reports such as those found when searching "Adelanto kittens drown" and "euthanize foreclosure pets" (one among many is June 25, 2008, "Abandoned homes mean abandoned pets" make one hesitant to contact Animal Control. (first example may be exception rather than the rule, but still...) offers alternative way to limit litters of kittens, for "minimal fee". However, since I can't catch feral cats & kittens OR take them to such a hospital, I need assistance--like loan of cages, transportation or simply information on how to at least "catch & release" feline families, if forever homes can't yet be found for them all.

Perhaps posters or flyers in areas where they go for meals might alert people feeding them (as in picture book "Six Dinner Sid" by Inga Moore that these cats need homes, healthcare, "guardians". Kind of opposite to the release into wild for loved "Christian the Lion", current sensation on YouTube.

At Christmas time, one of cats described in previous posts was killed by otherwise friendly family dogs: apparently sweet cat was so hungry & cold, it tried to seek food & shelter that dog owners provided for their pets. Hope it doesn't ever happen again. Can you help?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sun, Moon, Midnight--and Dandy

In year before Flourish & Blotts were born, Mom calico had only one kitten--Dandy. At time I was reading amusing mystery novel, The Quiet Gentleman in which title character--former soldier in Napoleonic wars--returns home to England. Unlikely heroine Drusilla (both of whose parents are bookish) dismissively calls him a dandy.

Like Dandy Cat, hero is "fair" or blond. See cover from Italian edition (translated, I think means "Intrigue in the castle").
Formal wear for fashionable men then would include white jabot to shirt front, white gloves & stockings--just like Dandy cat has!

Year before Dandy, Mom Cat had litter of three: Midnight (mostly black with white touches), Moonlight (fluffy white--part persian/siamese?) and Sunshine (orange). For short, Middy, Moony & Sunny. Later could also be spelled Sonny, after orange cat in humorous novel Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fanny Flagg. I read after character in Seventh Heaven tv series brought it along for roadtrip in giant RV in final episode (still hoping there'll be tv movie sequel!)

Maybe because heavy rains caused plant growth--thus more rabbits etc. for Mama to dine on--was reason for litter of three one year, only one kitten the next. Kitties need good home with regular meals!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Rose & Mac, Ron & Hermione??

FLOURISH (aka Fleur de la Cour, another HP character with pale coloring) had her first litter: ROSE (mostly white with reddish spots) and MAC the bookworm (because of lines around eyes that look like earpieces of spectacles). Pair is named after characters in Eight Cousins, one of my favorite lesser-known children's novels by author of Little Women, Louisa May Alcott.
Mac grows up to be fine, outdoorsy man who admires Ralph Waldo Emerson's Essays (he was friend of Alcott family; Lou aka "Jo" roamed his library freely) in sequel Rose in Bloom.

Before Rosey or Mac was seen "face to face" with Harry Cat (and revealed to be noticeably smaller--therefore younger), and before Flourish was seen acting motherly to pair of siblings, the names Ron & Hermione (Harry Potter's best friends) were being considered for them.

If Hermione turned out to be male, name could be shortened to Herm (in honor of Herman/Hermes messenger of the Gods (you know, the FTD Florist guy with wings on his heels) the funny, "crazy" cat in Jane Langton's book The Astonishing Stereoscope, third in magical series about loveable Hall family (my fave characters are child-like Professor Uncle Freddy and little girl Georgie who longs to learn to read).

Ron, if female, could have been changed to Rhonda (which is Greek for Rose, appropriate name if Mom is Fleur, French for flower!) Reminds me also of Laura Ingalls Wilder book (On the banks of Plum Creek?) in which Ingalls family get white and red cow from Swedish family who'd named her "Reet", for Wreath of Roses. Ma changed name to simply "Spot"...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Flourish & Blotts

Calico cat's litter from last year were named FLOURISH & BLOTTS after bookstore in Harry Potter series, located on Diagon Alley in London, which claims to carry "every book ever published in Wizarding world", if I remember correctly!

FLOURISH is pale apricot with white face (looks like she fell in flour; her sibling BLOTTS looks like a multi-color cat (ginger & white) that rolled in spilled black ink! (think that coloration is known as "marbling".

Will describe "Fleur's" first litter next time...

P.S. Crookshank (name of Hermione's cat) was borrowed for local raven with deformed foot.
BTW, Rowling re-spelled name of George Cruikshank, famous early English illustrator of Fairy Tales, including "Puss in Boots". Link to photos of his work
(French phrase means "over the moon", idiomatic expression that I think means thrilled, extremely happy!) >^.^<

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Spring Kittens Harry & Ginny

Mama Calico's kittens born this spring were dubbed "Harry & Ginny". The later is "gingery" in color and had some adventures similar to Ron Weasley's little sister in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (could tell you more if you adopt both siblings!)

Little Harry Cat is mostly black in color, with unusual facial markings: white "eyebrows" and orangey streak between eyes--straight thin rectangle rather than HP's famous lightening-shaped scar though! Sort of like this: = l =

Harry's "Funny Face" vaguely reminds me of some art I saw somewhere. Might be primitive mask, or 20th century painter influenced by such. Or possibly illustration in a children's book. Wish I had digital camera to post pix so others might help me figure out which!

Closest I can find is painting at Actually there are three cats in it--one is black so is hidden in shadows in online version. But Harry looks more comical than that rather scary cat!


Friday, July 25, 2008

Mama Calico cat needs a home!!

Very pretty Mama Calico cat (aka "Pirate" or "Delta" due to triangular black patch over one eye) needs a good home.

Already had two kittens this spring, Harry & Ginny (guess who their literary namesakes are--answer in my next blog post!)

Note date; only 5 months to Christmas. Is there any "room at the inn" for a Mama cat?


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Thursday, July 24, 2008

"Kittengardening" explained

The name of this blog is from word kindergarden--German for "Child garden". Aim of blog is to find good homes for feral cats (and especially, their very cute kittens!)

Maybe new cat "caretakers" (can a cat really have an owner?!) might be able to post photos of feline family members, so all can see they are alive and well.

(P.S. Originally I wanted to call this blog "kittengarden", but there's already blog in Japanese that translates to that in English. Use to try to translate the only entry ever made of that apparently orphaned, forgotten, abandoned blog (something about a gambling group?...)
